Published and Forthcoming Papers
- "The evolution of networks of innovators within and across borders: Evidence from patent data'' with A. Morescalchi, F. Pammolli, O. Penner, A.M. Petersen (2014) Research Policy, forthcoming (preprint).
- "The Relation between Global Migration and Trade Networks" with P. Sgrignoli, R. Metulini, S. Schiavo (2015) Physica A, 417, 245-260.
- "Reputation and Impact in Academic Careers'' with A.M. Petersen, S. Fortunato, R.K. Pan, K. Kaski, O. Penner, A. Rungi, H.E. Stanley, F. Pammolli (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(43), 15316–15321.
- "Cluster Analysis of Weighted Bipartite Networks: A New Copula-Based Approach'' with A. Chessa, I. Crimaldi, L. Trapin (2014), Plos One, 9(10), e109507.
- "Network Communities Within and Across Borders'' with F. Cerina, A. Chessa, F. Pammolli (2014), Scientific Reports, 9, 95809.
- "Preferential attachment in multiple trade networks" with R. Foschi and S. Schiavo (2014) Physical Review E, 90, 022817.
- "The Rise of China in the International Trade Network: A Community Core Detection Approach'' with Z. Zhen, F. Cerina, A. Chessa, G. Caldarelli (2014) Plos One, 9(8), e105496.
- "Stochastic Trade Networks" with S. Schiavo (2014) Journal of Complex Networks, doi: 10.1093/comnet/cnu025.
- "Border Sensitive Centrality in Global Patent Citation Networks'' with G. Morrison, E. Giovanis, F. Pammolli (2014) Journal of Complex Networks, doi: 10.1093/comnet/cnu031.
- "A Multi-Level Geographical Study of Italian Political Elections from Twitter Data'' with G. Caldarelli, A. Chessa, F. Pammolli, G. Pompa, M. Puliga, G. Riotta (2014) Plos One, 9(5), e95809.
- "Is Europe Evolving toward and Integrated Research Area?" with A. Chessa, A. Morescalchi, F. Pammolli, O. Penner, A. Petersen (2013) Science, 339(6120), 650-651.
- "The Size Distribution of US Cities: Not Pareto, Even in the Tail" with M. Bee and S. Schiavo (2013) Economics Letters, 120(2), 232-237 (preprint).
- "Evolution of Controllability in Interbank Networks" with D. Delpini, S. Battiston, G. Gabbi, F. Pammolli and G. Caldarelli (2013) Scienific Reports, 3, 1626.
- "Experience, Socialization and Customer Retention: Lessons from the Dance Floor" with G. Giudicati and A. Romiti (2013) Marketing Letters, DOI 10.1007/s11002-013-9233-6.
- "Global Networks of Trade and Bits" with A. Rossi and S. Schiavo (2013) Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 8(1), 33-56 (preprint).
- "Learning from Failures or Failing to Learn? Lessons from Pharmaceutical R&D" with L. Magazzini, F. Pammolli (2012) European Management Review, 9(1), 45-58.
- "Persistence and Uncertainty in the Academic Career" with A. Petersen, H.E. Stanley, F. Pammolli (2012) The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 109(14), 5213-5218.
- "The Sustainability of the European Health Care Systems: Beyond Income and Ageing" with L. Magazzini and F. Pammolli (2012) European Journal of Health Economics, 13(5), 632-634.
- "A Few Special Cases: Scientific Creativity and Network Dynamics in the Field of Rare Diseases" with M.L. Frigotto (2011) Scientometrics, 89(1), 397-420 (preprint).
- "Pareto versus Lognormal: A Maximum Entropy Test", with M. Bee and S. Schiavo (2011) Physical Review E, 84, 026104 (preprint, matlab code).
- "The productivity Crisis in Pharmaceutical R&D", with L. Magazzini and F. Pammolli (2011) Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 10, 428-438 (preprint).
- "Structure and Growth of Weighted Networks" with S. Schiavo (2010), New Journal of Physics, 12, 023003.
- "Scale-free Models for the Structure of Business Firm Networks" with M. Kitsak, S. Havlin, F. Pammolli, H.E. Stanley (2010), Physical Review E, 81, 036117.
- "Patent Disclosure and R&D Competition in Pharmaceuticals" with L. Magazzini, F. Pammolli, M.A. Rossi (2009) Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, 18(5), 467-86.
- "Managing Technological Transitions through R&D Alliances" with R. Moliterni (2009) R&D Management, 39(2), 124-135.
- "The Size-Variance Relationship of Business Firm Growth Rates" with F. Pammolli, L. Ponta, S.V. Buldyrev, H.E. Stanley (2008) The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 105(50), 19595-600.
- "On the Size Distribution of Business Firms" with J. Growiec, F. Pammolli, H.E. Stanley (2008) Economic Letters, 98(2), 207-12.
- "Radical Innovation and Network Evolution" with S. Phlippen (2008) Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 87-88, 325-50.
- "The Growth of Business Firms: Facts and Theory" with S.V. Buldyrev, J. Growiec, F. Pammolli, H.E. Stanley (2007) Journal of the European Economic Association, 5(2/3), 574-84.
- "A Generalized Preferential Attachment Model for Business Firm Growth Rates: I. Empirical Evidence" with F. Pammolli, S.V. Buldyrev, K. Yamasaki, K. Matia, D. Fu, H.E. Stanley (2007) The European Physical Journal B, 57(2), 127-130.
- "A Generalized Preferential Attachment Model for Business Firm Growth Rates: II. Mathematical Treatment" with F. Pammolli, S.V. Buldyrev, K. Yamasaki, K. Matia, D. Fu, H.E. Stanley (2007) The European Physical Journal B, 57(2), 131-8.
- "Betweenness Centrality of Fractal and Non-Fractal Scale Free Model Networks and Tests on Real Networks" with M. Kitsak, S. Havlin, P. Gerald, F. Pammolli, H.E. Stanley (2007) Physical Review E, 75(5), 056155.
- "Preferential Attachment and Growth Dynamics in Complex Systems" with K. Yamasaki, K. Matia, D. Fu, S.V. Buldyrev, F. Pammolli, H.E. Stanley (2006) Physical Review E, 74(3), 035103(R).
- "The Growth of Business Firms: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Evidence" with D. Fu, F. Pammolli, S.V. Buldyrev, K. Yamasaki, K. Matia, H.E. Stanley (2005) The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 102(52) 18801-6 (cover article).
- "The Economic Evaluation of HIV Treatments: The I.C.O.N.A. Cohort Study" with M. Merito, A. Bonaccorsi, F. Pammolli, G. Baio et al. (2005) Health Policy, 74, 304-313.
- "Statistical Properties of Business Firm Structure and Growth" with K. Matia, D. Fu, S.V. Buldyrev and H.E. Stanley (2004) Europhysics Letters, 67, 493-503.
- "Market Structure and Drug Innovation" with F. Pammolli (2004) Health Affairs, 23(1), 48-50.
- "Dynamic Competition in Pharmaceuticals: On Patent Expiry, Generic Penetration and Industry Structure" with L. Magazzini and F. Pammolli (2004) European Journal of Health Economics, 5, 175-182.
- "On Size and Growth of Business Firms" with G. De Fabritiis and F. Pammolli (2003) Physica A, 324(1/2)
- "Technological Regimes and the Evolution of Networks of Innovators: Lessons from Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals" with F. Pammolli (2003) International Journal of Technology Management 25(3/4), 334-350.
- "Does Co-location Matter for Formal Knowledge Collaboration in the Swedish Biotechnology-Pharmaceutical Sector?" with M. McKelvey and H. Alm (2003) Research Policy, 32(3), 483-501.
- "Technological Regimes and the Growth of Networks: An Empirical Analysis" with F. Pammolli (2002) Small Business Economics, 19(3), 205-215.
- "A Comparison of U.S. and European University Industry Relations in the Life Sciences" with J. Owen-Smith, F. Pammolli, W.W. Powell (2002), Management Science, 1(48), 24-43.
- "Europe and United States: The Power of Networks" with J. Owen-Smith, F. Pammolli, W.W. Powell (2002) Biofutur, 222, 26-29.
- "On Firm Growth in Networks" with F. Pammolli (2002) Research Policy, 31(8/9), 1405-16.
- "Innovation and Corporate Growth in the Evolution of the Drug Industry" with G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, F. Pammolli, M. Lippi (2001) International Journal of Industrial Organization, 19, 1161-87.
- "Technological Change and Network Dynamics: Lessons from the Pharmaceutical Industry" with L. Orsenigo and F. Pammolli (2001) Research Policy, 30(3), 485-508.
- "The Evolution of Knowledge and the Dynamics of an Industry Network" with L. Orsenigo, A. Bonaccorsi, F. Pammolli, G. Turchetti (1998) Journal of Management and Governance, 1(2), 147-175.
Books and Book Chapters
- "Innovation and Industrial Leadership: Lessons from Pharmaceuticals" with F. Pammolli (2008) John-Hopkins University Press-SAIS.
- "Health Services in an Open Transatlantic Market: A European Perspective" with C. Bonassi and F. Pammolli (2008) in D.S. Hamilton and P. Joseph (Eds.) Sleeping Giant: Awakening the Transatlantic Services Economy, John-Hopkins University Press-SAIS.
- "The Nature and the Extent of the Market for Technology in Biopharmaceuticals" with A. Arora, A. Gambardella, F. Pammolli (2004) in F. Cesaroni, A. Gambardella, W. Garcia-Fontes (Eds.) R&D Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry, 175-202, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Amsterdam.
- "Medical Devices Competitiveness and Impact on Public Health Expenditure" with C. Oglialoro, N. Salerno, G. Baio, L. Magazzini, F. Pammolli (2005) European Commission, Brussels.
- "Technological Competencies in Network of Innovators" with F. Pammolli (2004) in J. Cantwell, A. Gambardella, O. Grandstrand (Eds.) The Economics and Management of Technological Diversification, 155-175, Routledge, London.
- "Technological Paradigms and the Evolution of Networks" with F. Pammolli (2003) in P.P. Saviotti (Ed.) Applied Evolutionary Economics: New Empirical Methods and Simulation Techniques, 35-49, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
- "Public Research and Industrial Innovation: A Comparison of U.S. and European Innovation Systems in the Life Sciences" with J. Owen-Smith, F. Pammolli, W.W. Powell (2003) in A. Geuna, A. Salter, E. Steinmuller (Eds.) Science and Innovation: Rethinking the Rationales for Funding and Governance, 169-201, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
- "Innovation and Competitiveness in European Biotechnology" with A. Allansdottir, A. Bonaccorsi, A. Gambardella, M. Mariani, L. Orsenigo, F. Pammolli (2002) European Commission, Bruxelles.
- "Variety and Irreversibility in Scientific and Technological Systems, Lessons from the Pharmaceutical Industry after the Molecular Biology Revolution" with F. Pammolli, L. Orsenigo (2001) in A. Nicita and U. Pagano (Eds.) The Evolution of Economic Diversity, 216-40, Routledge, London.
Working Papers
- "The Value of Failures in Pharmaceutical R&D" with J.-Y. Chiou, L. Magazzini, F. Pammolli (2011), submitted.
- "R&D Productivity, Spillovers and Effective Patent Life" with L. Magazzini and F. Pammolli (2011) work in progress.
- "Innovation and Corporate Dynamics: A Theoretical Framework" with J. Growiec and F. Pammolli (2011), submitted.
- "Peer-Contagion in Co-Presence Networks" with G.G. Giudicati (2011), revise and resubmit, Management Science.
- "A Trick of the (Pareto) Tail" with M. Bee and S. Schiavo (2011), work in progress.
- "Innovation, Competition and Cancer Survival" (2011), accepted after revision.
- "The Structure and Growth of International Trade" with S. Schiavo (2010) Discussion Paper 2010.5, Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Trento.
- "Global Networks of Trade and Bits" with S. Schiavo and A. Rossi (2011) work in progress.
In Italian and Spanish
- "L'illusione del controllo nelle politiche pubbliche" with S. Trento and Enrico Zaninotto (2010) Stato e Mercato, n. 1, 113-148.
- "Regolazione di prezzo, innovazione e ciclo di vita dei prodotti: per una riforma del sistema di pricing nel settore farmaceutico" with C. Bonassi, F. Pammolli, N. Salerno (2008) in G. Macciotta (Ed.) La salute e il mercato: la ricerca farmaceutica tra stato, industria e cittadini, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano.
- "Il settore farmaceutico tra barriere alla concorrenza e regolazione sul lato del consumo" with F. Pammolli and N. Salerno (2007) in F. Pammolli, C. Cambini and A. Giannaccari (Eds.) Politiche di liberalizzazione e concorrenza in Italia: proposte di riforma e linee di intervento settoriali, Il Mulino, Milano.
- "Innovacion y crecimiento en la industria farmaceutica" with L. Magazzini and F. Pammolli (2007) in Politica Farmaceutica Europea en el Mercado Global, Egraf, Madrid.
- "Sicurezza, innovazione e crescita" with F. Pammolli and A. Paci (2004) Il Mulino, Bologna.
- "Strategie di Marketing", chapters 5-7 with F. Pammolli (2004) in F. Pammolli, Modelli e Strategie di Marketing, Franco Angeli, Milano.
- "Cambiamento tecnologico e reti di imprese" (2003) Franco Angeli, Milano.
- "La dinamica dei rapporti tra piccole e grandi imprese: alcune riflessioni tra teoria ed analisi storica" with G. Dosi and R. Varaldo (2001) in V. Balloni (Ed.) Piccole e grandi imprese nell'attuale contesto competitivo, Giappichelli, Torino.
- "La diversità dell'industria italiana nella nuova integrazione economica internazionale" with R. Varaldo, N. Bellini, A. Bonaccorsi (1998) Economia e Politica Industriale, 100, 7-43.